Monday, March 12, 2018

Fun Times in Nishiwaki


So this week we went on splits with the Sister Training Leaders in Nishiwaki, which is a way rural area. We talked to a lot of obaa-chans (grandmas) and made okinomiyaki at the rest home there. It was way fun. We figured out that it's easier to contact people when they're just chilling and taking a break than when they're walking. Also train dendou is really good. We talked to an obaa-chan who really likes baseball when we were on the train. It was a good time. 

We've been trying to meet with one of our investigators, Hashizume-san, and he came to church yesterday! He really likes Sunday school. Mostly because he likes really complicated talk and our gospel doctrine teacher likes to explain the intricacies and history of the priesthood. Ashikari shimai and I were like "nooo wait he doesn't even know the plan of Salvation yettt" but it ended up working out and we're gonna lesson with him again on Thursday so yay! 

Also I've been thinking a lot about this year's youth theme, and I think it's way awesome. The music video is really pretty so if you haven't seen it yet, go do so. It's really interesting if you think about it. Any peace that we have in this life is from Christ. All joy, light, and positivity is of him. Without Christ, none of us good experience anything positive. The brief time we were without him, during his crucifixion and death, gives us insight into what the world would be like without Christ. Pain, darkness, and destruction. Christ doesn't just bring light when we follow him, he always brings light, whether we admit it or not. But when we do follow him and obey his commandments, the light we have access to is beyond the brightness of the noonday sun. 

But anyways I'm not sure what else to talk about so if y'all have any other questions, please ask. 

Sherwood 姉妹 💖

19歳 20歳

1. a cool car we saw in nishiwaki
2. A weird billboard in Nishiwaki
3. Real grass! In Nishiwaki!
4. Hot chocolate with Lockett shimai in nishiwaki
5. I made a cute cake in the rice cooker (get one mom they're amazing I need a rice cooker)
6. Me and Ashikari shimai
7. Me and Ashikari shimai and Agatte shimai
8. Me and wood shimai
9. Me and Eaton Shimai!
10. Chourou sporting in the church gym. It has Carpet

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