Monday, November 26, 2018

πŸŽ„*Aggressively Plays Christmas Music at Full Volume*πŸŽ„

Konnichiwa minasan! 

This week has sure been busy despite the amount of things that happened being rather few and far between. On top of zone conference and the family history fair we've been all over the place, but that's okay because it was fun.

We helped out Naganuma Shimai this week with one of her PathwayConnect assignments because I can do math and it was really great actually. She helped us translate Pilling Shimai's I'm a Missionary page as well so that was really helpful. And then she was the literal nicest person in the world and not only drove us to our Eikaiwa class in Sanda, but she also took us out to eat yakiniku and it was very delicious. We were very happy campers. And what was even better was that we got to take great advantage of the Christmas season at Eikaiwa and teach the two little girls about Jesus Christ and the true meaning of Christmas. We made an anagram of Christmas with Jesus' different titles. 

Son of God 

It was awesome. They responded super well actually it was awesome. Last week the younger one accidentally smashed her finger in the fold up chair, causing a great many tears and pain, as would be expected. So when we told her that Jesus went through that same experience she had so He could comfort her, she was really surprised and touched. It was amazing to watch her expression. Our plan is to teach them something new about Christmas every week until Christmas. We're very excited. 

 The family history fair was honestly one of the highlights of the week. Just surrounding yourself with the Spirit of Elijah and everyone's testimonies of this great work is one of the best feelings. That and Sister Smoot's cookies. I find that I mostly just want to engage in family history like all day every day, though I know this isn't very practical haha. It boggles my mind when people will be like "mah it's not that important and it's too time consuming" like ??????????? What could be???? more important?????? than strengthening your family???????????? I do not understand. I bet lots of people's ancestors are very salty and frustrated up there in the spirit world. Goodness gracious.

And then get this: we had a lesson with Nakamura-san on Saturday and it went brilliantly! We got him to set a baptismal date to work towards and found out a bunch of his concerns. He's starting to recognize the hand of God in his life and we're so proud of him. Now we just have to work on the whole Word of Wisdom thing.... Mah it is what it is we'll see what God has in store.

Sunday was also really great and we had an awesome lesson with Natsuki chan. Wilkin Kyoudai dousekied for us and Kazuki showed us all a really great video about the atonement. We had a really wonderful discussion about the Savior and how he is our Mediator and I think Natsuki understands the importance of Jesus Christ much better now. We talked about baptism and invited her to set a date, but she's not ready for it yet. It's not the right timing for her. Her mom is against her getting baptized for one thing, but our feeling is that she needs to really gain a strong desire to be baptized and then the problem with her mom will go away as a result of that.

All in all, a good week. Things are moving if a little slowly, but Christmas is soon and that's what really matters. πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„

愛しています! πŸŽ…πŸ»☃️πŸŽ„πŸ’•
Sherwood 姉妹

19ζ­³ 20ζ­³

1.) ice cream in November what up
2.) yakiniku #blessed

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