Konnichiwa minasan!
We've been having a lovely week of things falling through left and right but this is fine. We've also learned the important lesson of telling your dousekis to please not talk about the intricate details of celestialized Earth when attempting to teach someone who Joseph Smith is. Furthermore, there are certain individuals who like to knock on Suenaga-san's door and tell him all about the points of angry apostate literature and cause him to create question marks above his head. It's fine. I'm not salty. I'm just gonna change up the voice of my email to make myself feel better about life.
Nevertheless, it came to pass that the missionaries were blessed with the exceedingly great and tender mercies of the Lord throughout their ministry amongst the people of Kitarokko, and an account of their proceedings shall be given hereafter.
And it came to pass that an appointment was decided upon with Nakamura-san, to visit with him on the sixth day of the eleventh month of the 2018th year after the coming of Christ. And it came to pass that the missionaries, having great desires to be obedient to the missionary handbook, inquired with their ward mission leader for a douseki, that the missionaries might be able to enter into Nakamura-san's home and expound the scriptures to him.
Now the ward mission leader, being exceedingly desirous to assist the missionaries in their efforts to bring Nakamura-san unto a knowledge of the goodness and everlasting mercy of the Lord, sent a LINE unto the Relief Society president to inquire after a sister who might be able to accompany the missionaries to the home of Nakamura-san. And it came to pass that a sister was found, thus causing the missionaries to become exceedingly excited, for while the teaching of the children of men brings great joy to the hearts of all those who engage in the work, standing in the midst of old shoes in the genkan of a seventy-nine year old man's house has a tendency to cause an undesirable amount of pain in the feet of the missionaries and the hips of the old man.
But it came to pass that as the day appointed unto the missionaries to teach Nakamura-san arrived, the previously established douseki became suddenly unable to fulfill the necessary requirements of biking 30 minutes to his house. And thus the missionaries became exceedingly concerned as to the future of their lesson, as the appointed time was fast approaching and there was none to douseki for them.
But behold, as the missionaries were thus standing by the vending machine and drinking melon cream soda to calm their agitated spirits, it came to pass that Naganuma Shimai called the missionaries over LINE, inquiring as to whether or not they were in need of a douseki. And thus we see that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those who act in faith and are obedient unto his commandments. For Naganuma Shimai was able to douseki for the missionaries and thus assist in bringing an added measure of the spirit into the home of Nakamura-san, notwithstanding her tendency to become overcome with the joy of the gospel and thus accidentally expound upon the scriptures too much to Nakamura-san.
And it came to pass that in the later hours of that same day, the missionaries had a lesson with Suenaga-san shortly before the hour appointed unto them to teach eikaiwa. Now, Suenaga-san, being a man of great learning, had many questions for the missionaries which they did not fully understand, and this because of the exceeding difficulty of understanding the vocabulary of things related to Buddhism in the Japanese language. But behold, the dousekis, being native Japanese speakers with great knowledge pertaining to the matters of Buddhism, were able to address the many concerns of Suenaga-san.
And it came to pass that the missionaries looked on in confusion as the lesson became increasingly more difficult to understand aside from the helpful diagram which the assistant ward mission leader had drawn of the whiteboard. And thus the missionaries began to pray fervently in their hearts that they would be able to turn the lesson back to the first principles and ordinances of the gospel instead of questions about the history of polygamy in the church. But behold, the strength of the excitedness of the dousekis was too strong for the missionaries to overcome in that day, and the missionaries became thus tsukareta in trying to regain control of the conversation. And thus we see the exceeding necessity of maintaining control over a lesson with excitable dousekis and explaining to excitable dousekis the importance of pure and simple testimony and the power of the Holy Ghost and the first principles and ordinances of the gospel in converting the hearts of men.
And it came to pass that in the following days of the week, the missionaries encountered many amusing and interesting things, which things can not all be written. Nevertheless, some of these things are expedient that they should be written, and thus an account shall be given hereafter.
And it came to pass that on the Friday of the week the missionaries were invited once again to come to the house of Matsumoto-san to play the Japanese koto and meet her friends. And it came to pass that the missionaries were asked to sing for the obaachans as well, and the obaachans were thus impressed with the missionaries' ability to sing and play the koto and their interest in the traditional music of Japan. And behold, Matsumoto-san, being exceedingly impressed with the missionaries' love for the song that is about a castle or something if Sherwood Shimai understood correctly, printed off copies of the koto sheet music for them, which thing caused Sherwood Shimai to be overcome with joy, and this because of her exceeding love for jammin music.
And it came to pass that on the following Saturday the missionaries walked for the space of an hour and a half, and this because of Pilling Shimai's pressing need for a bicycle and the exceedingly great distance between the missionaries' apartment and Asahi, one which could not be traversed today due to the many time consuming responsibilities of the missionaries. Now behold, the idea which the missionaries had was this: that while walking the exceedingly great distance to Asahi, there would be ample opportunity to preach the gospel to people which passed in the way. But behold, despite this great desire of the missionaries, it came to pass that not a soul was to be found on the entire length of the journey, which thing caused the missionaries great disappointment, as the distance which they walked was very great. Nevertheless, Pilling Shimai was able to procure an exceedingly suteki bike, and for this thing the missionaries have cause for much thanksgiving.
And it came to pass that on the Sabbath day it was expected that both Natsuki chan and Ooyama san would come and partake of the sacrament upon the Lord's holy day, and both the missionaries and the ward council were exceedingly excited about this expectation. But behold, the missionaries and also Wilkin Kyoudai received a LINE from Ooyama san, informing them of her inability to attend church last minute, which thing caused the missionaries and the bishop exceedingly great grief, for not only could she not come this week, but also the rest of the month. Nevertheless, the missionaries and the ward council maintained hope in the goodness of the Lord and trust that he works in mysterious ways. And it came to pass that Natsuki chan did come to church, which thing caused the missionaries great joy, for she hadn't been to church in over a whole transfer. And behold this is not all, for the missionaries were able to commit Natsuki chan to come every week hereafter with the promise that they would help her with her English listening comprehension skills, which thing she did greatly desire. And thus we see that the Lord is mindful of his children, and will reveal to his missionaries many ways in which they may bring his children to come unto him, be it through difficult Japanese college entrance exams or hiking or any other number of ways which are not all known unto us at this time.
And thus we see that despite the many difficulties and afflictions of the missionaries, they have been exceedingly blessed of the Lord, and do look forward with an increasing brightness of hope for a baptism by the end of the year, and this because they do know of the goodness of the Lord and trust in the revelations of his word to their mission president. And these things I, Sherwood Shimai, do write and bear record that all may know of the exceeding mercies of the Lord to his missionaries and that they may also know that the missionaries do truly have faith in the Lord their Redeemer, even unto the salvation of many souls in the Japan Kobe Mission. Amen.
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Sherwood ๅงๅฆน
19ๆญณ 20ๆญณ
1.) mom your hot chocolate recipe is literal chocolate gold from heaven
2.) I play the koto again