Monday, April 2, 2018

Angels We Have Seen in the Baptismal Font


So this week was beautiful mostly because my beautiful precious angel kyuudousha, Shinji, the kinjin you all know and love, got baptized on Saturday!!!!! He's wonderful and happy and the service was so beautiful we all love him so much. I got to sing Peace in Christ at his baptismal service and it was so wonderful! His testimony was so strong and amazing and President Smoot said it was one of the strongest testimonies from a new convert he's ever heard. I'm so proud of him! *wipes away tears*

In other news, Kazuki and Hashizume-san have both expressed desires to be baptized but they're both struggling to trust Christ to help them overcome their weaknesses. But they're growing so much and Hashizume-san even came to church in a suit yesterday!!! It was so cool!!! 

But also not gonna lie, I don't have a ton I want to talk about other than Shinji's baptism because he's wonderful and I love him. What an angel. He's so happy, learning how to play hymns and reading PMG and loving Jesus. A true miracle human. I was so happy I forgot all my Japanese. It was a little bad lol. 

But hey I'll use photos this week in the stead of lots of typing because last week's photos apparently didn't send. Enjoy! 

愛しています! (*^^*) 
Sherwood 姉妹 💖

19歳 20歳

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